Friday, June 25, 2010

June 2010

Seems Spring never made a showing this year as it rolled straight from Winter into Summer. Blistering temperatures have kept me out of the garden most of this month. Several days of over 100-degree baking have sent most of the plants into decline. Even the chickens are too hot to lay eggs, with just a trickle coming in each day. I don't remember June being this hot before. The land is dry and dusty and I'm painfully aware of the AC running constantly in the non-energy-efficient temporary house. I've spent the time looking at earth-sheltered homes online and working through designs for my future passive solar house, dreaming of the time when I can rely less on coal-generated electricity to bring comfort and more on common-sense home design.

During my first two years in Hillsborough, I rented the "stone house" on Churton Street, a beautiful old home built in 1932, out of stone quaried here. The house was built in a thoughtful way, in an era before AC was widely available, and although this amenity was added in later years, while I was there I rarely turned it on. It wasn't necessary as the house stayed wonderfully cool, even on the hottest day.

During cooler moments, over 90, but less than 100, I'm working on extending fencing on the hedgerow that separates the north property from the south. It will help me to better contain goats, who have finally learned to breach the solar-charger guarded electric-net fencing I've been moving around the property. I frequently have to rescue goat kids who thrust themselves into the netting, only to become hopelessly entangled, then bellow for help. The electric net fencing was very expensive and has ended up being a great waste of money. A rooster died in the netting, other birds have become entangled and now goats are breaching it, making it useless.

And I'm also learning to master the ancient tractor. It's a quirky beast, more complicated and obstinate than the cow or goats. Hold up the PTO handle when turning the key in the ignition or the beast won't start. I set it on low speed and let it amble along to my destination. Despite its quirks, I'm grateful to have the help.