Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 2008

Up to my eyeballs in tomatoes, canning season is off to a good start. After 8 to 10 hours at my day job, I was back at the farm in the evening for picking sessions followed by canning the harvest. I'll have plenty of vegetables stored for the winter -- canned tomatoes, sauces, salsas, preserves, jams and jellies, green beans and black-eyed peas. Quart bags of wonderberries, squash and melon have pushed the freezer's holding capacity. Fresh melons are still coming in daily, providing plenty of vitamin C.

Putting up food from the harvest provides a satisfying sense of accomplishment and independence. I'm controlling what goes into my food and into my body. No chemicals or pesticides go into the garden. Nothing is genetically-modified. No endocrine-disrupting bisphenol A lining the inside of canned goods. Seems home food preservation is making a comeback as people begin to take charge of their food again. (Read Preserves Become Ideology in a Jar).