I also placed my order for day-old chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery to arrive in February -- 6 each: Araucanas, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and Delawares, and 5 each: Dark Brahma Bantams and Mille Fleur Bantams. The hatchery throws in an "exotic" freebie, bringing the total to 35 chicks. I've built a brooder and am making progress on a 12'x12' chicken house.
How fast can a calf run? Pretty darn fast when she's out of the pen and running free. I've had Isabelle for just over a month now and I'm still getting to know her. Weighed down by heavy winter gear and hampered by snow, catching her was no easy task. Although this escape was made possible by not adequately latching the gate, I'll be looking at fencing around the property to help keep her contained should she make another run for freedom.